Anne Plummer (mtDNA)

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Status summary

As of September 7, 2018

  • Page created for Anne Plummer, wife of Henry Samson
  • Pilgrim Henry Samson Kindred contacted.
  • recruitment of individuals who are mtDNA descendants of Anne (Plummer) Samson. Folks who believe they are matrilineal (all female line) descendants should Read me First

IMPORTANT: Read me First


For more information see: Sherman, Robert Moody & Ruth Wilder, Mayflower Families Through Five Generations: vol. 20 Samson


In General, tracing the mtDNA descendants of Henry Samson has been much more difficult than other Mayflower Passengers (such as Howland, Brewster or Hopkins). The General Society of Mayflower Descendants (GSMD) has published a number of "Mayflower Families through Five Generations" volumes (aka the "Silver Books"). These books give a biography for each Mayflower passenger as well as their descendants for five generations (and sometimes into the sixth and seventh generation). Volume 20 (in three parts) deals with the family and descendants of Henry Samson. Part 1 deals with the first four generations of descendants. Part 2 deals with the daughters, as well as son James. By the Fifth Generation, there are quite a few instances where a birth or baptismal record for a daughter is all that is known.

The marriage record of Anne Plummer to Henry Samson, Plymouth 6 Feb 1635/6[1] give us the maiden name for Anne. However, we do not know of her parentage or even when/how she came to Plymouth Colony.[2] The will of John Barnes[3] calls Anne his "Cozen". The first wife of John Barnes was Mary Plummer[4] How Mary and Anne were related (assuming the relationship is through this marriage) is still unknown.

Henry and Anne were among the earliest settlers of Duxburrow (now Duxbury), Mass. Anne died there sometime between 24 Dec 1668[5] and 24 Dec 1684[6]

Individuals in bold font have a surviving matrilineal descendant who has taken a full mtDNA test.

First Generation

Anne and Henry had a total of nine children, but no records survive listing their birth dates. In 1651 Gov. William Bradford reported they had seven children, so the youngest two were born after this date. The exact order of births is unknown, and various compilers have given the children in different orders. They had four sons and five daughters. The daughters (in order as named in their father's will) are: Elizabeth, Hannah, [1] ________ (m. John Hanmore, no daus.), [2] Mary (m. John Summers/Somers but no ch.), and Dorcas.

Second Generation

[3] Elizabeth married before 1662 Robert Sproat/Sprout. They had three sons and five daughters (Mercy, Elizabeth, Mary, Anna, Hannah)

[4] Hannah married (Duxbury 20 Mar 1665/6) Josiah Holmes. They had three sons and three daughters (Hannah, [m. Thomas Lambert (II), only had one son] Dorcas [likely never marr.] and Mary [m. (Sgt.) Gershom Holmes, only had one son]). The Henry Samson "Silver Book" fails to list any mtDNA lines from any of Hannah's daughters.

[5] Dorcas married Thomas Bonney (II). They had one son and two daughters (Elizabeth & Mercy)

Third Generation

Mercy Sproat/Sprout was born Scituate 15 Jul 1662 and died bet. 6 Sep 1725 - 8 Oct 1728. She married Scituate 27 Jun 1683 Thomas Oldham and they had three sons and seven daughters: Mary (1686), Mercy (1689), Elizabeth (1691), Abigail (1693), Anna (1695), Desire (1698) and Grace (1703/4).

Elizabeth Sproat/Sprout never married

Mary Sproat/Sprout never married

Anna Sproat/Sprout married Ebenezer Richmond. They had three sons and three daughters: Anna (1704), Rachel (1707-1730 never married) and Elizabeth (1708)

Hannah Sproat/Sprout married Ephraim Keen(e). They had two sons and five daughters: Mary (1705), Hannah (1713), Abigail (1717), Wealthean (1719) and Elizabeth (c1724)

[6] Hannah Holmes was born Duxburrow (now Duxbury) 11 Oct 1667 and died bef 3 May 1709. She abt 1685 Thomas Lambert (II) and they had at least one child: Thomas[7]

Elizabeth Bonney married Ephraim Norcut. They had four sons and two daughters: Elizabeth (1715) and Patience (never married).

Mercy Bonney married[8] Nathaniel Delano. They had one son and five daughters Mercy (1715), Elizabeth (1717- , unknown if married), Lydia (1718), Zerviah (1720) and Mary (believed to have died unmarried)

Fourth Generation

Mary Oldham was born Scituate 1 Apr 1686 and died Pembroke 2 Aug 1775. She married Scituate 31 Jan 1710/1 (Dea.) John Bisbee and they had six children: prob. Ruth (c1712 m Job Bonney), John (bp 1714), Jonah (1716/7), Gideon (1719), Elizabeth (1720 m Henry Munroe) and Mary (1727 m Matthew Whiton/Whitten).

Mercy Oldham was born Scituate 28 Jul 1689 and died after 1733. She married Scituate 4 Nov 1708 Andrew Newcomb and they had nine children: Mercy (1710 m John Brown), Joshua (1712), Andrew (1715), Jesse (1718), Abigail (1720 m Ebenezer Bourne), Robert (1722), Samuel/Lemuel (1724), Mary (1727 m Benjamin Webber) and Sarah (1729-1745 unm.)

Elizabeth Oldham was born Scituate 4 Oct 1691 and died aft 1770. She married Scituate 12 Sep 1717 John Damon (III) and they had four children (Scituate): Relief (bp 1721 no further record), Mercy (bp 1723 prob. m John Jordan), Ezekiel (bp 1731) and Lusanna (bp 1731 no further record).

Abigail Oldham was born Scituate 24 Nov 1693 and died 1725. She married Marshfield 2 Jan 1720 Nathaniel Eames and they at least four children: Ezra (bp 1721), Silvanus (bp 1724), Abigail (c1728 m Gideon Ramsdell) and Keziah (c1730 m Noah Thomas).

Anna Oldham was born Scituate 19 Mar 1695/6 and died Pownalboro (now Wiscasset), ME bef. 28 Oct 1766. She married Scituate 13 Oct 1718 Joseph Young (II) and they had seven children: Isaac (1719 d.y.), Joseph (1722), Thomas (1725), Anna (1727 m John Pearce), Isaac (bp 1730), Joshua and Sarah (bp 1736 m Richard Holbrook).

Desire Oldham was born Scituate 28 Feb 1697/8 and died Marshfield 25 Feb 1786. She married Scituate 14 Nov 1717 Samuel Tilden (IIT) and they had ten children: Abigail (bp 1719-1735 unm.), Desire (bp 1720-1735 unm.), Mercy (bp 1722 m Thomas Macomber & David Thomas [II]), Ruth (bp 1724 m North Eells), Thankful (bp 1726-1748 unm.), Samuel (bp 1730-1735), Sarah (1731-1731), Sarah (c1732 m John James [III]), Benjamin (1735-1735) and Samuel (1739).

Grace Oldham was born Scituate 27 Feb 1703/4 and died aft. May 1784. She married Marshfield 11 Dec 1724 Anthony Eames (II) and they had four children (Marshfield): Lemuel (1725), Mercy (1727 no further record), Elisha (1729) and Thomas (c1740).

Anna Richmond was born Middleborough 14 Oct 1704 and died aft 3 Mar 1783. She married Middleborough 3 May 1734 Caleb Cowing and they had three children (Rochester): Aridne/Araadna (1735, bp 1741 no further record), David (1738) and James (1740).

Elizabeth Richmond was born Middleborough 1 Sep 1708 and died about 1742. She married Middleborough 12 Jun 1728 Edward Washburn and they had for children (Middleborough) Abigil (1730 not in father's will, likely unm.), James (1731/2), Edward (1732) and Amos (1742).

Mary Keen was born Middleborough 9 Dec 1705 and died aft 30 Jul 1749. She married (int. Freetown 29 Dec 1730) James Edminster and they had seven children (Freetown): James (1734), Mary (1736 m Benjamin Potter), Noah (1739), Hope (1741 poss. m[9] Elkanah Bobit), Job (1743), John (1746) and Zebedee (1748).

Hannah Keen was born Pembroke 13 Nov 1713 and died Unity, ME aft 1796. She married twice, first Swansea 8 Apr 1731 John Blethen then Georgetown, ME 21 Jan 1763 David Curtis (no children). By her first husband she had nine children: Sarah (c1732 m Francis Wyman), James (c1734), John (c1735), Hannah (1739 m Stephen Chase), Rhoda (no further record), Wealthy (c1750 m Josiah Day [II]), Phebe (c1752 m Charles Gerrish), Job (1754) and Increase (c1758).

Abigail Keen was born Pembroke 21 Feb 1716/7 and died Abington 23 Feb 1800. She married Abington 16 Sep 1736 William Sprague and they had four children (Abington): Abigail (1738 m Benjamin Wood), Lois (bp 1741 no further record), Lydia (bp 1744 no further record) and William (bp 1746).

Welthean Kean was born Pembroke 8 Nov 1719. She married Berkeley 16 Sep 1741 Israel Chase and they had ten children (Freetown): Israel (1742 d.y.), Ephraim (1744), Ebenezer (1746), Hannah (1748 m Barjonas Wilcox & poss. Samuel Hathaway), Shadrach (1750), Levi (1752), Simeon (1756), Ezra (1758), Wealthy (1760 m Benjamin Paull) and Rufus (1764 d.y.).

Elizabeth Keen was born prob. Middleborough about 1724 and died aft. Jul 1763. She married twice, first Middleborough 21 Aug 1744 Joshua Sprague then Abington 12 Jun 1760 William Beale (no children). By her first husband she had four children (Abington): Joshua (1746), Elisha (1748), Samuel (1753) and Silence (1755 m Barnabas Reed).

Elizabeth Norcutt was born Marshfield 19 Feb 1715/6 and died Middleborough 23 Jan 1776. She married (int. Kingston 19 Apr 1740) Micah Bryant and they had seven children (prob. Middleborough): Benjamin (1741), Micah (1744), Hannah (1748-1833 unm.), Jerusha (c1750 m Cornelius Ellis), Abner (c1754), Amasa (c1758) and Ephraim (d. bef 1787).

Mercy Delano was prob. born Duxbury abt 1715 and died Hanover 1 Jan 1800. She married twice, first Duxbury 14 Oct 1735 John Prior then Hanover 25 Nov 1755 Joseph Ramsdell. By her first husband she had five children (Duxbury): Hannah (1736 m William Phillips [II]), Nathaniel (1739), Ruth (1742 m Stephens Hatch), John (1744) and Elias (1747). By her second husband she had two more children (Hanover): Mercy (1757 m Richard Estes & Josiah Ellis) and Lydia (1759 m Samuel Whitcomb).

Lydia Delano was prob. born Duxbury abt 1718 and died there 4 Sep 1756. She married twice, first Duxbury 13 Dec 1736 Ichabod Wormall then Duxbury 16 May 1745 Ebenezer Delano. By her first husband she had two children: Ichabod (c1737-1758 unm.) and Desire (unk. if marr.). By her second husband she had four more children: Nathaniel (c1753), Luther (c1754), Bernice (c1748 m John Glass), and an infant dau. (1756-1756).

Zerviah Delano was prob. born Duxbury abt 1720 and died aft 3 Mar 1754. She married Pembroke 3 Jun 1742 Joshua Briggs and they had five children (prob. Pembroke): Ruth (c1744 m Abner Magoun), John, Joshua (bp 1756), Lucia (c1758 m Joshua Turner [III]) and Lydia (bp 1759 no further record).

  1. Plymouth Colony Records I:36
  2. Given the fact she appears not to have come over with her family, it is likely she came over as a house servant to another family.
  3. dated 6 Mar 1667/8 MD 4:99-100 citing Plymouth Colony Wills 3:131
  4. Roser, Mayflower Passenger References(2011, 2015), p. 329
  5. Plymouth Colony Land Records 3:237
  6. not in husband's will MD 2:142-3 citing Plymouth County Probate Records 4:2:94-95
  7. Called Josiah Holmes his grandfather in a 1717 deed. This younger Thomas was deceased by 1748, but children (if any) currently unknown.
  8. she married second to John Curtis, but had no children by him
  9. Intentions filed, but possibly never married.

mtDNA Results

According to the GSMD/FTDNA Mayflower DNA Project online presentation (passcode ajI2.8wq) two matrilineal descendants[1] have ordered mtDNA tests. To date, the project does not publish the results of these tests.

  1. The two descend from different daughters of Anne PLUMMER Samson.

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