Hawes (Y-DNA)

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Status summary

Completed as of April 9, 2020

  • Recruiting patrilineal (all male line) John Hawes descendants for NGS/WGS testing. Any male who believes they are such a descendant should Read me First

IMPORTANT: Read me First

Still to do as of April 9, 2020

  • NGS/WGS test for subclade under I-M253.

Paper Trail

For more information see: White, Elizabeth Pearson, John Howland of the Mayflower, Vol. I (daughter Desire), Picton Press, Rockport, Maine, 1990, 2008

First Generation

(Capt.) John Hawes was born in Plymouth Colony about 1637, son of Edmund Hawes of Duxburrow (Duxbury). Edmund was baptized at Solihull, Warwickshire, England on 15 Oct 1612, son of Edmund.[1] The younger Edmund emigrated to Plymouth Colony in 1635, aboard the James. Given the fact he had just been released from his apprentiship (to Edmund Warnett, Cutler) on 9 Dec 1634, it is believed Edmund was still unmarried when he emigrated. Nothing is known about the wife of Edmund Hawes (the mother of John Hawes) except for the fact she died in Yarmouth on the 19 Jul 1689.[2] John appears to be their only child, but they may have had other children who have been lost in the sands of time. The family early moved to Yarmouth (on Cape Cod) where Edmund died 9 Jun 1693.

John Hawes married at Barnstable 7 Oct 1661 to Desire Gorham, the granddaughter of John Howland and Elizabeth Tilley. The family first lived at Marshfield, but soon moved to Yarmouth. They were later found at Barnstable, but it is unknown if they moved, or whether the town lines had changed. They had eleven children (four daughters and seven sons: Edmond, John, Joseph, Jabez [never married], Ebenezer, Isaac & Benjamin). (Capt.) John Hawes died in Yarmouth 11 Nov 1701.

Second Generation

Edmond Hawes was born Yarmouth 2 May 1669. He was named in his grandfather's 1692 will "if he come again" but not named in his father's 1701 will. From this, he moved away from the family, and possibly moved back to England. It is unknown if he ever married.

John Hawes (II)[3] was born Yarmouth 14 May 1671 and died Providence, RI 27 Dec 1723. He married twice, first likely bef. 1700 Mary ___[4] and second, Rehoboth 1 Jul 1723 Mary Mason. He had two children, both by his first wife.[5]: Edmund (?b1700), poss. Samuel (1701) and John (1702).

(Dea.) Joseph Hawes was born Yarmouth 16 Jul 1673 and died there 16 Nov 1752.[6] He married three times (but only had children by his first wife: First, likely Yarmouth about 1695 Mary Howes, second, intentions Harwich 19 Mar 1729/30 Bethia HALL Winslow and third, Harwich 2 Jul 1746 Sarah HOWES Hopkins. By his first wife, Dea. Joseph had eleven children: Sarah (1696), Elizabeth (1697), Edmund (1699), Thomas (1701), Joseph (1702/3), Martha (1704), Temperance (1705), David (1707), Prince (1709), Thankful (1712) and Desire (d. 1715).

(Capt.) Ebenezer Hawes was born Yarmouth 4 Mar 1677/8 and died there 7 Oct 1727. He married Edgartown 22 Feb 1699/1700 Sarah Norton and they had ten children: Jabez (1700 unm.), John (1702), Desire (1704), Ebenezer (1705), Isaac (1707), Ruth (1708/9), Benjamin (1710), Solomon (1712 likely d.y.), Bayes (c1714) and Jacob (c1716 likely unm.).

Isaac Hawes was born Yarmouth 9 Mar 1679/80 and died Chatham bef 18 Mar 1730/1.[7] He married Yarmouth 8 Jan 1700/1 Bethiah Howes and they had seven children (all but youngest born Yarmouth): Bethiah (1701), Isaac (1703), Thankful (1705), John (1706/7), Desire (1708/9 no further record), Jeremiah (1711) and Sarah (1719).

Benjamin Hawes (Esq.) was born Yarmouth 20 Mar 1682/3 and died Edgartown between 15 Oct and 22 Nov 1722. He married in Edgartown 24 Jul 1705 Dorcas Smith and they had six children (Edgartown): Experience (1706), Jedidah (dau 1709), Benjamin (1712 m Sarah Salter, no ch.), Samuel (1717/8), Shubael (1721-1722/3) and Shubael (1722).

Third Generation

Edmund Hawes was born Yarmouth 13 Jun 1699 and died Barnstable 11 May 1762. He married Barnstable 11 Oct 1729 Mary PAINE Freeman (widow of Nathaniel Freeman) and they had three children (Barnstable): Sarah (1733-1754), Mary (1735-1754) and Edmund (1738 m Hannah Snow).

Thomas Hawes was born Yarmouth 16 May 1701 and died there 28 Jan 1746/7. He married Barnstable 2 Jul 1710 Thankful Gorham and they had four children (Yarmouth): James (1732 m Rebecca Russell), Thomas (1733/4 m Desire Hawes), Mary (1735/6) and Hannah (1738).

Joseph Hawes (II) was born Yarmouth 12 Jan 1702/3 and died there16 Feb 1759. He married Yarmouth 20 Jul 1732 Desire Hallett and they had three daughters (Yarmouth): Desire (1735-1736), Hannah (1737) and Desire (1743).

David Hawes was born Yarmouth 10 Oct 1707 and died there 17 Jun 1752. He married Barnstable 10 May 1736 Elizabeth Cobb and they had two children (Yarmouth): David (1740 m Anna Bray) and Elizabeth (1742).

Prince Hawes was born Yarmouth 29 Dec 1709 and died there 8 Dec 1771. He married Yarmouth 17 Jul 1715 Anna Hedge and they had four children (Yarmouth): Phebe (1736), Anna (1739-1765), Simeon (1745 m Bethia Mathews) and infant son (1746-1746).

John Hawes was born Yarmouth 3 May 1702 and died aft 1745/6. He married Yarmouth 10 Feb 1731/2 Susannah Bassett and they had seven children (Yarmouth): Sarah (1732), Samuel (1734 no further record), John (1736-1737), John (1739 no further record)[8], Ruth (1742), Susannah (1744) and Mary (1745/6). No further record of the family is found after the birth of Mary and it is thought they moved away.

Ebenezer Hawes (II) was born Yarmouth 15 Jul 1705 and died there bef 29 Dec 1741.[9] He married Yarmouth 16 Jan 1708/9 Sarah Hedge and they had five children ([West] Yarmouth): Abigail (1730), Solomon (1733), Ebenezer (1735 m Temperance Taylor), Thankful (1738) and Desire (1740).

Isaac Hawes was born Monomoy (Chatham) 10 Aug 1707 and died Yarmouth 4 Aug 1751. He married Gloucester 14 Nov 1734 Mercy Sergeant and they had at least two children (Gloucester): Isaac (1735 m Sarah Bouve) and William Sargent (1738 m Sarah Hunstable).

Benjamin Hawes was born Monomoy (Chatham) 13 Oct 1710 and died prob. in Boston before 29 Dec 1741 (date of mother's will). He married Boston 25 Aug 1736 Hannah Paddock and they had one child (Boston): Benjamin (bp 1739 m Ann ___)

Bayes Hawes was born Monomoy (Chatham) about 1714 and died Barnstable bef 10 Jun 1785 (will probated). He married Yarmouth 1 Jul 1744 Jean/Jane Lewis and they had seven children (Yarmouth): Jacob (1745 m Hannah Snow), Deborah (1746/7), Jane (1749-1749), Bayes (1750 unk. if marr.), Jane (1752), Jabez and Joshua.

Isaac Hawes (II) was born Yarmouth 18 Apr 1703 and died Kent or Warren, CT in Dec 1785. He married, prob. in Chatham 1738 Hannah Tucker and they had six children: (prob. CT): Eunice (c1740), Zibiah (c1745), Prince (c1747 unm.), Isaac (1749 m Annah Whitlock) and Samuel (1752 m Jemima Palmer) and Susannah (c1760).

John Hawes was born Yarmouth 22 Jan 1706/7 and died Chatham abt 3 Feb 1779. He married Chatham abt 1735 Abigail Doane and they had seven children (Chatham): Samuel (1736/7-1739), Anna (1738), Patience (1740), Bethiah (1742), Thomas (1744 m. ___), Ruhamah (1747) and John (c1752 m Mercy Hopkins).

Jeremiah Hawes was born Yarmouth 5 Apr 1711 and likely died bef 2 Oct 1746.[10] He married Eastham 8 Aug 1734 Phebe Young and they had one child (Eastham): Jeremiah (c1742 m Huldah Holbrook).

Samuel Hawes was born Edgartown 25 Feb 1717/8 and died Dartmouth aft 14 Sep 1765. He married Dartmouth 13 Jan 1736/7 Elizabeth Jenney and they had five children (Dartmouth): Shubael (1737 m Elizabeth Wrightingham), Dorcas (1739), Jedidah (1744), Elizabeth (1746) and Benjamin (1753).

Shubael Hawes was born Edgartown 22 Dec 1722 and died aft 14 Sep 1765. White's John Howland of the Mayflower, vol. 2 erred in stating he married Elnathan Wrightington and died in Dartmouth in 1781 with several children. It is currently unknown whether he ever married.


  1. Jump up Edmond's ancestry has been traced back to several Noble Houses. It is beyond the scope of this wiki to document Noble lines.
  2. Jump up Even this reference simply calls her the wife of Edmund Hawes.
  3. Jump up John Howland of the Mayflower, vol. 1 (Desire) was unable to prove the John Hawes of Providence, RI was son of John Hawes & Desire Gorham.
  4. Jump up ibid. stated she was possibly Mary Edmond.
  5. Jump up The GSMD currently does not accept lines from either of John Hawes' children due to the inability to prove the John Hawes of Providence was son of John Hawes of Yrmouth.
  6. Jump up New Style. Also seen as 5 Nov 1752 Old Style, even though the NS dates came into law in Sep 1752.
  7. Jump up Administration granted on his intestate estate.
  8. Jump up It is possible he was the John Hawes who died at Dorchester 26 Jan 1829, aged about 88.
  9. Jump up Not named in mother's will of that date.
  10. Jump up It is believed it was his widow who married in Eastham 8 Jan 1746/7 (int. 2 Oct 1786) Jedediah Lumbart.

DNA Results I-M253

Previous Y-DNA testing

The Hawes Roots DNA Project Group: Edmond Hawes - MA currently has two individuals, both 37 Y-STR marker tested, They have a predicted haplogroup of I-M253. NGS/WGS testing still needs to be done to determine where the family falls under I-M253.

References & External Links

  • Anderson, Robert Charles, Great Migration 1634-1635 vol. 3 (G-H), New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, MA 2003
  • White, Elizabeth Pearson, John Howland of the Mayflower, Vol. I (daughter Desire), Picton Press, Rockport, Maine, 1990, 2008
  • Hawes, James William, Edmond Hawes of Yarmouth, Massachusetts, an Immigrant to America in 1635, His Ancestors... The Lyon Genealogical Company, New York City, 1914. Available online