Cole (Y-DNA)

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Status summary

Completed as of March 24, 2021:

  • Recruiting additional direct male-line Daniel Cole descendants for NGS/WGS SNP testing - anyone interested in submitting their DNA for testing should contact Raymond T. Wing (email: wing.genealogist AT gmail DOT com)

Still to do as of March 24, 2021

  • NGS/WGS test multiple Daniel Cole (and hopefully through son John) descendants to firmly place family clade as well as discover any subclades unique to descendants lines


John Cole & Frances ____. They were the parents of Nathaniel (1594/5 remained in England), Zacheus (c1606),[1] Job (1608), John (1611-1637 unm.)[2] and Daniel (1614).

Second Generation

Job Cole was baptized Weeden Bec, Northamptonshire 6 May 1608 and died abt 1690. He married Plymouth 15 May 1634 Rebecca Collier and they had two children: Daniel (c1650) and Rebecca (1654).

Daniel Cole was baptized at St. Olave, Southwark, Surrey 12 Dec 1614 and died Eastham 21 Dec 1694. He married abt 1643 Ruth Collier[3] and they had: John (1644), Timothy (1646), Hepzibah (1649), Ruth (1651), Israel (1653), James (1655), Mary (1657), Esther (1661), William (1663), Daniel (1666) and Thomas (1668).

Third Generation

Daniel Cole was born bef Jun 1651[4] He married Mercy Freeman or Mercy Fuller.[5]

(Lt.) John Cole was born Eastham 15 Jul 1644 and died there 6 Jan 1724/5. He married Eastham 10 or 12 Dec 1666 Ruth Snow and they had seven children (born Eastham): Ruth (1667/8), John (1669/70), Hepzibah (1672), Hannah (1675), Joseph (1677), Mary (1679) and Sarah (1682).

Daniel Cole (II) was born Eastham 15 Sep 1666. He married Mercy Freeman or Mercy Fuller.[6]

Fourth Generation

John Cole (II) was born Eastham 6 Mar 1669/70 and died there 13 Dec 1746. He married twice, first abt 1693 Mary Rogers and second Eastham 15 Nov 1732 Sarah ?HAMLIN Higgins. All children by first wife (born Eastham): Jonathan (1694), John (1696), Mary (1698), James (1700), Nathan (1702/3 unm), Joshua (1704/5), Moses (1707 unm), Phebe (1709/10), Thankful (1712-b1716), Joseph (1714) and Thankful (1716).

Joseph Cole was born Eastham 11 Jun 1677 and died there abt 1765, He married tree times, first Eastham 4 Feb 1701/2 Elizabeth Cobb, second Harwich 6 Oct 1715 Mercy Hinckley and third Eastham 25 Nov 1747 Rebecca YOUNG Harding. By his first wife he had six children (born Eastham): Gershom (1702/3), Ruth (1704/5), Patience (1706), Elizabeth (1708/9), Sarah (1710/1) and Reliance (1713-1724). By his second wife he had three more children (born Eastham): Mercy (1716), Joseph (1718) and Mary (1721).

Fifth Generation

Jonathan Cole was born Eastham 4 Oct 1694 and died there bef 30 Jul 1743. He married Eastham 15 Feb 1715/6 Hope Young and they had eight children (born Eastham): Elizabeth (1716), Jonathan (1718 m Susanna ATWOOD Horton & Rhoda Snow), Hope (1720/1), Ruth (1722), Dorcas (1724), Mercy (1726), Nathaniel (1727 m Phebe Higgins) and Jesse (1732 m Mary Higgins & Sarah Lewis).

John Cole was born Eastham 14 Oct 1699 and died there in 1753. He married Eastham 8 Feb 1726/7 Mercy Mayo and they had four children (born Eastham): John (1728/9 m Martha Young), Theophilus (1730 unk if marr), Rebecca (1733) and Mercy (1735).

James Cole was born Eastham 23 Oct 1700 and died Middletown (now East Hampton), CT 27 May 1760. He married Eastham 9 Feb 1726/7 Mary Cole and they had seven children (first 4 born Eastham, last 3 Glastonbury, CT): Eunice (1728), Solomon (1730-1761 unm), Lois (1731), Mary (1733/4), Hannah (1737), James (1740-1761 unm) and Moses (1744 m Mary White Clark).

Joshua Cole was born Eastham 20 Mar 1704/5 and died there in 1773. He married Eastham 31 Jan 1733/4 Sarah Cole and they had ten children (born Eastham): Nathan (1734/5-1772 prob unm), Elizabeth (1736-1760), Ruth (1737-1760), Patience (1738/9-1755), Sarah (1740), Joshua (1742-1743), Lydia (1743/4), Joshua (1745/6 m Susanna Rogers), Marcus (1750 unk if marr) and Rachel (1752-1772).

Joseph Cole was born Eastham 13 Oct 1714 and died there abt 1795. He married Eastham 2 Dec 1736 Mary Young and they had six children (born Eastham): James (1737 unk if marr), Mary (1739/40), Phebe (1741), Kezia (1747), Thankful (1750) and Rebecca (1754).

Gershom Cole was born Eastham 1 Mar 1702/3 died there in 1782. He married Harwich 29 Jan 1729/30 Mary Rogers and they had eight children (born Eastham): Reliance (1730 dy), Patience (1732/3 dy), Hannah (1735), Reliance (1737), Patience (1739), Moses (1741-1772 unk if marr), Kezia (1743) and Azuba (1746).

Joseph Cole (II) was born Eastham 18 May 1718 and died there abt 1797. He married twice, first Harwich 17 Nov 1737 Sarah Nickerson and second Truro 2 Apr 1793 Anna HARDING Dyer. All children by first wife (born Eastham): Mary (twin 1738), Sarah (twin 1738), Reuben (1742/3 m Hannah Cole), Abiall (son 1745 m Hannah Linnell, Sarah Knowles & Abigail HIGGINS Snow), Henry (1748 m Desire Bassett) and Jesse (1755 m Bethiah Young).

  1. Jump up of St. Olave, Southwark, will 16 Nov 1630 names mother Frances and brothers Nathaniel, Job (1608), John (1611), Daniel (1614).
  2. Jump up will 2 Nov 1637 proved 7 Jan 1637/8, naming brothers Job and Daniel.
  3. Jump up sister to the wife of Daniel's brother, Job Cole.
  4. Jump up fined in Jun 1672 in Plymouth Court so likely then at least 21.
  5. Jump up Two cousins Daniel Cole (one a son of Job, the other son of Daniel) married two different women named Mercy (Mercy Freeman and Mercy Fuller). Which Daniel married which Mercy is still to be settled.
  6. Jump up See his cousin, Daniel (above).

Cole, William E., "The English Origins of Job, John, Daniel and Ruth Cole", The Mayflower Descendant", vol. 69 (Winter 2021) pp. 30-44

DNA Results I-A16747

Previous testing

The Cole (etc) DNA Project Group: I - M253 - Family Group 1 has four individuals with a Most Distant Known Paternal Ancestor (MDKPA) being Daniel Cole (father of John). Two of these individuals have done some Y-SNP testing and fall under Haplogroup: I1-DF29>Z58>Z139>S2293>Z2541>S19185>S23519>S20030>BY1482>A7000>A11161>A16748>FGC54631>A16747

NGS/WGS testing

NGS/WGS testing of known John Cole Y-DNA descendants would sollidify the haplogroup for the family and possibly define subclades for descendants.

External Links and References