Wilcox (Y-DNA)

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Status summary

Completed as of March 23, 2021:

  • Recruiting direct male-line descendants of Daniel Wilcox for NGS/WGS testing. Any male who believe he is such a descendant should Read me First

IMPORTANT: Read me First


For more information see Roser, Susan E. and Judith A. Swan, Mayflower Families Through Five Generations vol. 12 Cooke 2017 addendum of 1999 2nd Edition, General Society of Mayflower Descendants, Plymouth, MA.

First Generation

Daniel Wilcox was baptized Croft, Lincolnshire 4 Mar 1631/2, son of Edward Wilcox (s/o Daniel) and Susanna Thomson. Daniel died Tiverton (now part of RI) 2 Mar 1702. The family emigrated to New England sometime between 1635 and 1637.[1] Daniel was married twice, first abt 1654 to an unknown first wife[2] and second, Portsmouth RI 28 Nov 1661 Elizabeth Cooke and they had nine children: Mary (c1662), Sarah (c1664), Stephen (c1666), Edward (c 1668), John (1670), Susannah (c1671), Thomas (c1673), Lydia (c1675) and Judith (c1677).

Second Generation

Stephen Wilcox was born prob. Portsmouth, RI about 1667 and died Dartmouth 13 Nov 1736. He married twice, first Dartmouth 9 Feb 169[5?] Susannah Briggs and second Nantucket 31 Aug 1722 Judith COFFIN Folger Barnard. By his first wife he had five children (born Dartmouth): Susannah (1696/7), Daniel (1699-b1733 unm.), Thomas (1701 unk if marr), Elizabeth (1704/5) and Stephen (1708/9). By his second wife he had one more child: John (c1725).

John Wilcox was born Little Compton 1670 and died there bef Feb 1717/8. He married Little Compton abt 1698 Rebecca ?Mosher and they had eight children (born Little Compton): Jacob (1699 unk if marr), Daniel (1701 m Sarah Hart but unk if any ch.), Elizabeth (1702), John (1704 m Rebecca Mosher but likely no ch.), Jabez (1707), Barjona (son 1708 m Elizabeth Wait but likely no ch.), Rebecca (1711) and Thomas (c1713 likely unm).

Thomas Wilcox was born about 1673 and died Tiverton in Aug 1712. He apparently never married.[3]

Edward Wilcox was born about 1676 and died Tiverton (now part of RI) 1718. He married prob. Portsmouth, RI bef 1701 Sarah Manchester and they had four children (born Tiverton): Josiah (1701), Ephraim (1704), William (1706) and Freelove (1709).

Third Generation

Stephen Wilcox (II) was born Dartmouth 10 Jan 1708/9 and died aft 1752. He married Dartmouth 27 Jan 1730/1 Mary Thomas and they had at least five children: Martha (c1731), Mary (c1738), Tyle (c1741 m Deborah Russell), Stephen (1747) and William (1752 m Molly Stevens).

Jabez Wilcox was born Little Compton (now in RI) 21 Mar 1707 and died aft 28 Apr 1757. He married Little Compton 10 May 1736 Hannah Hart (a descendant of Francis Cooke) and they had twelve children (Dartmouth): Mary (1737), Anstus (1738), Thomas (1740), Rebecca (1742/3), Sarah (1744), Drusilla (1746), Huldah (1748), Eunice (twin 1750), Lois (twin 1750), Jabez (1753), John (1754) and Stephen (1757).

Josiah Wilcox was born Tiverton (now in RI) 22 Sep 1701 and died there (in RI) abt 1773. He married twice, first abt 1718 Patience Chase and second, Portsmouth RI 11 Mar 1744/5 Mary LAKE Lawton (no children). By his first wife he had nine children (Tiverton): Edward (1719), Thomas (1720 poss m Wait Briggs), Gideon (1722), Benjamin (1726), Daniel (1727/8), Jeremiah (1729), William (1731), Sarah (1734) and Borden (1739).

Ephraim Wilcox was born Tiverton 9 Aug 1704 and died there in 1749. He married Little Compton 28 Oct 1729 Mary Price and they had six children (Tiverton): Edward (1730), John (1733), Ephraim (1737), Sarah (1740), Elizabeth (1745 and Oliver (1747).

William Wilcox was born Tiverton 26 Dec 1706 and died there abt 1765. He married Little Compton in Oct 1733 Priscilla Peabody (desc. John Alden) and they had three children (Tiverton): William (1733 m Mary Brownell), Mary (1735) and Deborah.

  1. Jump up A child was born in England in Dec 1634. Edward Wilcox was listed as a inhabitant of Portsmouth, RI in May 1638.
  2. Jump up They had two children: Daniel and Samuel, but no Mayflower line of descent for them.
  3. Jump up His will gives "to my Brothers & Sisters" [not named]" but fails to mention any wife or children.

DNA results R-BY94849

Previous Y-DNA testing

The Wilcox DNA Project Group: R-M269 Edward and Susan Thomson Wilcox Family documents a number of Y-DNA descendants with matching Y-STR & Y-SNP results, with an earliest Most Distant Known Paternal Ancestor (MDKPA) being Daniel Wilcox (c1565-1605).

NGS Results

Several of the project members above have apparently taken Big Y tests and they have been assigned to the following haplogroup: R-P312>Z290>L21>DF13>ZZ10_1>Z253>FGC3268>ZZ6_1>BY43439>L554>BY65903>BY94849

References & External Links

  • Roser, Susan E. and Judith A. Swan, Mayflower Families Through Five Generations vol. 12 Cooke 2017 addendum of 1999 2nd Edition, General Society of Mayflower Descendants, Plymouth, MA
  • Documented Genealogy of Wilcox family