Eaton (Y-DNA)

From Mayflower DNA
Revision as of 18:25, 12 March 2016 by GregRM (Talk | contribs) (formatting)

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Status summary

As of March 12, 2016:

  • Eaton participant for Y Elite identified


Paper trail

(to be added)

Previous Y-DNA testing

Previous Y-STR testing through the Eaton DNA Project (administered by the Eaton Families Association) has identified a Y-STR haplotype for the Mayflower Eaton lineage, which likely belongs to the R1b-M269 Y-DNA haplogroup,[1] which is quite common in Western Europe. Y-STR results (specifically DYS390=23) provide some indication that the Eaton lineage belongs more specifically to the U106 subgroup of R1b-M269. Forthcoming Y Elite test results will be able to test this and identify a more precise haplogroup classification for the Eaton lineage.


(to be added)

Summary of findings

(to be added)

External links


  1. (Lineage V)