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As of January 14, 2017:

  • Recruiting participants for Y Elite tests
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# of pending tests 2 0
# of completed tests 4 2
# of sponsored tests 6 2

Paternal lineages of Mayflower passengers

Surnames of Mayflower passengers and crew, with links to corresponding Y-DNA results pages, are listed below.

Surname[1] Given name(s) aboard Mayflower Y-DNA aboard Mayflower Known living descendants[2] Known living paternal line descendants Y-DNA haplogroup[3]
Alden John Yes Yes Yes R1b-P312[4]
Allerton Isaac, Bartholomew, Remember, Mary Yes Yes [5]
Billington John, John, Francis Yes Yes Yes R1b-U106
Bradford William Yes Yes Yes I-M253
Brewster William, Love, Wrestling Yes Yes Yes I-M253
Browne Peter Yes Yes No
Chilton James, Mary Yes Yes No
Cooke Francis, John Yes Yes Yes I-M223
Doty Edward Yes Yes Yes R1b-L21
Eaton Francis, Samuel Yes Yes Yes R1b-U198
Fletcher Moses Yes Yes No
Fuller Edward, Samuel, Samuel Yes Yes Yes R1b-U106
Hopkins Stephen, Giles, Constance, Damaris, Oceanus Yes Yes Yes R1b-U106
Howland John Yes Yes Yes R1b-U106
More Richard, Ellen, Jasper, Mary Yes Yes No
Mullins William, Priscilla, Joseph Yes Yes No
Priest Degory Yes Yes No
Rogers Thomas, Joseph Yes Yes Yes R1b-L21
Samson Henry Yes Yes Yes I-M223
I2a2a M223>Z161>L801> CTS1977>> BY526
Soule George Yes Yes Yes I-M253
Standish Myles Yes Yes Yes I-L38
Tilley John, Edward, Elizabeth Yes Yes No
Warren Richard Yes Yes Yes E-V13 or R1b-M269[9]
White William, Resolved, Peregrine Yes Yes Yes R1b-L21
R1b L21>DF13>Z39589>DF49>>M222[10]
Winslow Edward, Gilbert Yes Yes Yes I-M253
Allerton John Yes No No
Britteridge Richard Yes No No
Butten William Yes No No
Carter Robert Yes No No
Carver John Yes No No
Clark John Yes
Clarke Richard Yes No No
Coppin Robert Yes
Crackston John, John Yes No No
Ely (unknown) Yes No No
English Thomas Yes
Gardiner Richard Yes
Goodman John Yes
Heale Giles (Dr.) Yes
Holbeck William Yes
Hooke John Yes No No
Jones Christopher (Capt.) Yes
Langmore John Yes
Latham William Yes No No
Leaver "Master" Yes
Leister Edward Yes
Margesson Edmund Yes
Martin Christopher Yes No No
Parker John Yes
Prower Solomon Yes No No
Rigsdale John Yes
Story Elias Yes No No
Thompson Edward Yes No No
Tinker Thomas, son Yes No No
Trevore William Yes
Turner John, son, son Yes No No
Wilder Roger Yes No No
Williams Thomas Yes No No
Williamson Andrew Yes
  1. links to sub-pages under development
  2. according to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mayflower_Society
  3. Most SNP results may still be further refined as more Y-DNA descendants of Mayflower Passengers obtain Next Generation Sequence (NGS)/Whole Genome Sequence (WGS) tests. Italics indicate the haplogroup is merely predicted based soley on STR testing and may not be precise. In some of these cases, the result could be inaccurate due to inadvertent errors in lineage tracing. See surname sub-pages for further details and references.
  4. based on top 24 scores at Nevgen R1b predictor all falling under P312, with 9 U152 subclades 10 DF27 subclades and 5 L21 subclades. U152 and DF27 are both subclades of Z38841 (which is technically a STR rather than a SNP) so it is likely the Alden family fall under either U152 or DF27.
  5. Son Bartholomew returned to England where he married and had children. Whether he has any living Y-DNA descendants is unknown. Son Isaac is believed to only have had one son (Isaac) who died without issue.
  6. based on top 9 scores at Nevgen R1b predictor all falling under Z8.
  7. based on Nevgen R1b prediction of 100% certainty
  8. based on 100% certainty score for 111 STR markers at Nevgen.org
  9. According to the FTDNA Mayflower Project one individual claiming to be a Y-DNA descendant of Richard Warren has done a Y67 STR test and his predicted Haplogroup falls under E-M35 (Nevgen Y-DNA Haplogroup Predictor result 99.97% likely to fall under E1b1b1a1b1a E-V13). However, according to a Geni.com discussion at https://www.geni.com/discussions/197009 an individual claiming to be a Y-DNA descendant of Richard Warren has had a 37 STR marker test and his predicted Haplogroup falls under R1b-M269
  10. Based on 99.97% Certainty at Nevgen.org from 67 STR markers.

Paternal lineages of affiliated families

Families directly affiliated with Mayflower passengers (e.g. through marriage of children) with Y-DNA testing include:


William Pabodie married Elizabeth Alden, daughter of John Alden

John Bass married Ruth Alden

Thomas Delano married Rebecca Alden R-U106>>L48>L47>>FGC60412


Moses Maverick married Remember Allerton

Thomas Cushman married Mary Allerton


Samuel Sabin married Mary Billington

Joseph Rickard married Rebecca Billington

Edward May married Dorcas Billington

John Martin married Mercy Billington

Richard Bullock was the first husband of Elizabeth Billington

Robert Beere was the second husband of Elizabeth Billington[1]


William and Alice had one daughter, Mercy (born before the May 1627 Cattle Division). Mercy married (Plymouth 21 Dec 1648) Benjamin Vermayes of Boston. Neither Mercy, nor any of her children, were mentioned in Gov. Bradford's 1657 will, so it is assumed she died shortly after marriage, with no surviving children.


(Gov.) Thomas Prence[2]married Patience Brewster

Edmund Freeman (III) married Rebecca Prence and John Freeman married Mercy Prence E-M215>M35>Z827>V257>M81

Nathaniel Mayo was the first husband to Hannah Prence R-P312>DF19>Z302>Z35646>Z8193>FT18289>Z39896[3]

Jonathan Sparrow was the second husband to Hannah Prence

  1. Elizabeth had a third husband, Thomas Patey, but no children by this last marriage.
  2. Thomas and Rebecca had two daughters and one son, Thomas (III). The son Thomas apparently emigrated back to London, England. The Great Migration Begins III:1523 states family letters indicate he had a widow and a daughter, but failed to note any son. Gov. Prence married two more times, but the children by these marriages have no Mayflower ancestry.
  3. based on Big Y-700 result of a descendant of William Mayo of Isle of Wight, Virginia. STR results indicate this family is related to the Rev. John Mayo of Barnstable, Massachusetts. The descendants of William are FT137226+ (a subclade of Z39896), but it is currently unknown if the descendants of Rev. John are positive for this clade.


Ephraim Tinkham married Mary Browne

John Thomson married Mary Tinkham

William Snow married Rebecca Browne


Roger Chandler married Isabella Chilton M253>DF29>Z58>Z59>CTS8647>Z62>Z61>S9939>S20652>S11023>BY34545>BY34542>BY71464

John Winslow married Mary Chilton

Robert Latham married Susanna Winslow

Edward Gray married Mary Winslow

Tobias Payne was the second husband of Sarah Winslow[1]

Richard Middlecott was the third husband of Sarah Winslow[2]

  1. Sarah married first, Miles Standish (II) who was son of Mayflower passenger Miles Standish. His Y-DNA line is under the Standish family.
  2. They had a son Edward, but it is currently unknown if Edward had any sons.


Experience Mitchell married Jane Cooke R-U106>>Z381>Z156>>DF96>>S25234

Richard Wright married Hester Cooke R-P312>ZZ11>DF27>Z195>Z198>CTS4188>BY178203

John Thomson married Mary Cooke


William Sherman was the first husband of Desire Doty

Israel Holmes was the second husband of Desire Doty

John Rouse was the first husband of Elizabeth Doty

Samuel Hatch married Mary Doty


Joseph Ramsdell married Rachel Eaton


Nicholas Snow married Constance Hopkins

Andrew Ring married Deborah Hopkins


John Gorham married Desire Howland I1-M253>Z58>Z138>S2293>Z2541>S19185

John Hawes married Desire Gorham I1-M253

John Chipman married Hope Howland I2-M223

John Dickinson married Elizabeth Howland

James Brown married Lydia Howland

Jonathan Bosworth married Hannah Howland

Thomas Cushman married Ruth Howland


Phineas Pratt married Mary Priest R1b-P312>>U152>L2>DF103>>BY123080>>FT137491

John Coombs married Sarah Priest


Robert Sproat married Elizabeth Samson

Josiah Holmes married Hannah Samson

Thomas Bonney married Dorcas Samson


Francis West married Susanna Soule R1b-U106

John Peterson married Mary Soule I-M253

John Haskell married Patience Soule R1b-P312>ZZ11


Robert Bartlett married Mary Warren R1b-P312>>U152>Z56>>Z43>Z145>>BY28794>>PF6577>>BY109876>BY142576

Thomas Little married Ann Warren R1b L21>>L513>S5668>A7

Richard Church married Elizabeth Warren R1b DF27>Z196>L176.2>CTS4188

Anthony Snow married Abigail Warren


The only surviving daughter of Gov. Edward Winslow was Elizabeth, born about 1631 and died at Boston, 23 Apr 1698. She married twice: First (before 1656) to Robert Brooks, then (after his death) 22 Sep 1669 to George Corwin. She had one son by her first marriage (John Brooks) who apparently never married, and only two daughters from her second marriage (Penelope and Susanna).

  • (more to be added)

External links and references