Pratt (Y-DNA)
From Mayflower DNA
Status summary
Completed as of October 1, 2020:
- Recruiting additional direct male-line Phineas Pratt descendants for further SNP testing - anyone interested in submitting their DNA for testing should contact Raymond T. Wing (email: wing.genealogist AT gmail DOT com)
- Y-SNP tested to R1b-P312>>U152>L2>DF103>>BY123080>>FT137491
Still to do as of October 1, 2020
- NGS/WGS test multiple descendants of Phineas Pratt to firmly place family clade as well as test descendants to discover any subclades unique to descendants lines
First Generation
Phineas Pratt
They had children;
Second Generation
DNA results R-FT137491
Previous Y-DNA testing
The Pratt Lineages & DNA Project Subgroup: "Haplogroup R1b - Lineage 3A (R-U152>L2>DF103>FGC4166>BY123080>FT31290)" lists 14 individuals (all STR matching each other). While only one of these individuals states their Most Distant Known Paternal Ancestor (MDKPA) was Phineas Pratt others list known close relatives of Phineas as their MDKPA. Two individuals have apparently taken the Big Y-700 test and they are assigned to the following Haplogroup: R1b-P312>ZZ11>U152>L2>DF103>FGC4166>BY123080>FT31290>FT29156>FT137491.
Further needed testing
We need additional direct male-line descendants of Phineas Pratt to WGS/NGS test to both confirm this prediction as well as to refine the haplogroup further and delineate descendant clades.